Periodo académico 2024-1S


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Industrial designers are entrepreneurs by nature that need to get an on-demand education about how to start a business, which includes everything from financial planning and costing to how to stay out of trouble, and negotiation. Almost all companies, large or small, are affected by global events and competition because most sell output to and/or secure suppliers from foreign countries and/or compete against products and services that come from abroad.

Design entrepreneurs must be awarded off and consider during the start up process, the international opportunities, barriers, and culture that will influence their businesses.

Objetivo de Aprendizaje

- Analyze the international events that could benefit and influence the business created by design entrepreneurs.
- Increase students consciousness and confidence in doing business in a international business environment

Contenidos Temáticos

Entrepreneurship/start-up, E-commerce, Business plan, International trade, International business culture, International marketing, Business failures, International Business environment, Third parties involved.

Bibliografía Básica Obligatoria

To be determinate.
During the course the students will receive in advance academic articles and/or business case studies to prepare for the topic taught that week.

Resultado de Aprendizaje

Solucionar problemas de orden interdisciplinar a través de la integración de diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje.

Medios Educativos

Se requieren salones con mobiliario móvil, mesa de formato pliego o medio pliego, televisor, computador con salida de audio y video.

Fecha de actualización


Carrera 4 # 22-61 Teléfono: (+57 1) 242 7030 - 018000111022 Fax: (+57 1) 561 2107 Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.